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Production Stills:

Photos by Kimberlee Hewitt

"Do you love me?" The Williamsburg waterfront scene with Minnie Wohl (Charly Bivona) and J.P. Porter (J.D. Oxblood).J.P. Porter (J.D. Oxblood) presents the opening monologue in the film Hashtag Annie Hall first time Minnie Wohl (Charly Bivona) went to bed with J.P. Porter (J.D. Oxblood).Gal Friday looks glamorous passing the camera before Will (Matt Holtzclaw) and J.P. Porter (J.D. Oxblood) in the film Hashtag Annie Hall character known as "spanking girl" (Melody Cheng) checks her phone and vapes in the film Hashtag Annie Hall Wohl (Charly Bivona) invites J.P. Porter (J.D. Oxblood) up to her apartment in the film Hashtag Annie Hall the Nitehawk Cinema, J.P. Porter (J.D. Oxblood) checks the showtime of Annie Hall with the bartender (Chelsea Ingram); his girlfriend Minnie Wohl (Charly Bivona) isn't pleased.J.P. Porter (J.D. Oxbood) flirts with Marta (Sarah Moliski) backstage at an event for Obama's 2008 campaign in the film Hashtag Annie Hall Porter (J.D. Oxblood) and his friend Will (Matt Holtzclaw) walking down a Williamsburg street in the film Hashtag Annie Hall Wohl (Charly Bivona) and J.P. Porter (J.D. Oxblood) walk along the gorgeous Williamsburg waterfront in the film Hashtag Annie Hall Porter (J.D.Oxblood) isn't sure he wants to fool around with the girl he brought home (Melody Cheng).The Annoying Man in Line (Christopher Rex Stone) gives J.P. Porter (J.D. Oxblood) a piece of his mind at the Williamsburg Nitehawk Cinema in the film Hashtag Annie Hall



July, 2014 shoot Photos by Kimberlee Hewitt

Sarah Moliski (Marta) photo-bombing publicist Ronit Schlam.Melody Cheng (spanking girl) checks her phone (seriously, it's part of the scene) as Matt Cutola (1st AC) prepares to slate.Gaffer Walter Fuente with Still Photographer Kimberlee Hewitt on location.Photographer Andrew Trost hides under his sweatshirt to see despite the Brooklyn glare.Sound master Matt Thomas.Sarah Moliski (Marta) as photographer Andrew Trost sets up a shot with J.D. Oxblood (J.P. Porter).J.D. Oxblood (J.P. Porter) discusses the Roosevelt window shot with DP Claudio Rietti and Producer Steve Loff.Producer Steve Loff with Melody Cheng and J.D. Oxblood.DP Claudio Rietti plays back the most recent take for Director J.D. Oxblood.DP Claudio Rietti setting up the bedroom wide shot; Melody Cheng (spanking girl) proves you can be comfortable at work in your underwear.The healthiest craft services table ever—thanks to Ronit Schlam.Streets of Willimsburg: J.D. Oxblood, Matt Holtzclaw, Gal Friday, and Steve Loff.Hair/makeup Sonya Tsuchigane checks on J.D. Oxblood's hair as Steve Loff looks on.Sarah Moliski (Marta) in the Nitehawk Cinema, off-camera with talented extra Hudson & his mom.Ronit Schlam (publicist and craft services) wows playing grip on the Williamsburg waterfront.Charly Bivona (Minnie Wohl) watches the playback of the waterfront scene with DP Claudio Rietti and 1st AC Matt Cutola.DP Claudio Rietti shows Director J.D. Oxblood the most recent take.Matt Thomas (sound mixer) sets up in the hallway on location.Charly Bivona (Minnie Wohl) takes a much-needed siesta as Claudio Rietti, J.D. Oxblood, and Matt Cutola set up.Key PA Danny Bellini making the long walk back from the far end of the blog, and Matt Holtzclaw (Will) and Gal Friday prepare for another take.PA Hannah Loff with Producer Steve Loff on location.Director J.D. Oxblood, DP Claudio Rietti, and 1st AC Matt Cutola setting up on the streets of Williamsburg.Charly Bivona (Minnie Wohl) at the gorgeous Nitehawk Cinema with J.D. Oxblood and background players.PA Hannah Loff waits during a take—a very long take.Chelsea Ingram (Bartender) waits for cameras to roll with New York Times bestselling author Jacob Tomsky, playing a background barfly.Producer Steve Loff chats with gaffer Walter Fuente as Claudio Rietti and Matt Cutola set up a shot.